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Jumat, 25 Februari 2011 // 03.25

Stationary Related

Studying/Stationary Related
book chaek
dictionary 사전 sajeon
reference book 참고서 chamgoseo
notebook 공책 gongchaek
diary 수첩 sucheop
note pad 메모지 memoji
composition book 연습장 yeonseupjang
pencil 연필 yeonpil
ball pen 볼펜 bolpen
fountain pen 만년필 mannyeonpil
felt pen 싸인펜 ssainpen
highlighter 형광펜 hyeonggwangpen
eraser 지우개 jiugae
scissors 가위 gawi
knife kal
sharpener 연필깎개 yeonpilkkakgae
ruler ja
triangle square 삼각자 samgakja
pencil case 필통 piltong
paste pul
sketch book 스케치북 seukechibuk
dyestuff 물감 mulgam
palette 팔레트 palleteu
color pencil 색연필 saegyeonpil
crayon pastel 크레파스 keurepaseu
clay 지점토 jijeomto
colored paper 색종이 saekjongi
drawing paper 도화지 dohwaji
notebook sheet 책받침 chaekbatchim
blackboard 칠판 chilpan

Health Related

At the Hospital
hospital 병원 byeongwon
Chinese medicine clinic 한의원 hanuiwon
pharmacy 약국 yakguk
internal medicine 내과 naegwa
surgery 외과 oegwa
neurology 신경과 singyeonggwa
dermatology 피부과 pibugwa
radiation 방사선 bangsaseon
ultrasound 초음파 choeumpa
otorhinolaryngology (ear/nose/throat) 이비인후과 ibiinhugwa
pediatrics 소아과 soagwa
urology 비뇨기과 binyogigwa
plastic surgery 성형외과 seonghyeongoegwa
psychiatry 정신과 jeongsingwa
department of radiology 방사선과 bangsaseongwa
family practice 가정의학과 gajeonguihakgwa
obstetrics and gynecology 산부인과 sanbuingwa
ophthalmology 안과 angwa
dental surgery 치과 chigwa
registration 접수 jeopsu
emergency room 응급실 eunggeupsil
morgue 영안실 yeongansil
consultation room 진료실 jillyosil
pharmacy 조제실 jojesil
injection 주사 jusa

cold 감기 gamgi
flu 독감 dokgam
tumor 종양 jongyang
cancer am
leukemia 백혈병 baekyeolbyeong
heart complaint 심장병 simjangbyeong
renal diseases 신장병 sinjangbyeong
gastric ulcer 위궤양 wigweyang
high blood pressure 고혈압 gohyeorap
low blood pressure 저혈압 jeohyeorap
measles 홍역 hongyeok
epilepsy 간질 ganjil
glaucoma 녹내장 nongnaejang
concussion 뇌진탕 noejintang
palsy 중풍 jungpung
frostbite 동상 dongsang
sunstroke 일사병 ilsabyeong
paralysis 마비 mabi
astigmatism 난시 nansi
diabetes 당뇨병 dangnyo
fatness 비만 biman
malnutrition 영양실조 yeongyangsiljo
sterility 불임 burim
syndrome 증후군 jeunghugun
poisoning 중독 jungdok
headache 두통 dutong
toothache 치통 chitong
period pains 생리통 saengnitong
stomachache 복통 boktong
vomiting 구토 guto
loose bowels 설사 seolsa
constipation 변비 byeonbi
jaundice 황달 hwangdal
cough 기침 gichim
runny nose 콧물 konmul
high fever 고열 goyeol
pregnancy 임신 imsin
child birth 출산 chulsan
abortion 낙태 naktae
operation 수술 susul
hospitalization 입원 ibwon
discharged from the hospital 퇴원 toewon
death 사망 samang
death 임종 imjong
dislike 염증 yeomjeung
abrasion 찰과상 chalgwasang
stab 자상 jasang
bullet wound 총상 chongsang
disease 질환 jilhwan
obstacle 장애 jangae

doctor 의사 uisa
nurse 간호사 ganhosa
pharmacist 약사 yaksa
medical examination 검진 geomjin
endoscope 내시경 naesigyeong
medicine yak
nursing 간호 ganho
accident 증상 jeungsang
sickness byeong
prescription 처방 cheobang

source: http://www.lifeinkorea.com

